Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bachelor #2 please take a bow

I like to go back and re-read my posts... because I'm narcissitic.

Anyway I got the part in yesterday's post where I talked about my date with Bachelor #2 (who still needs a blog name) And I find that I failed to truly express how great the date was... Since we had been talking over the internet via email and Google Chat (if you don't have it, get it) for more than a week, it was rather easy for us to have a real face to face conversation. Plus it helped that we had a conversation starter...

I have to pick 5 questions to be asked on this radio program I am going to be on (more on that in a later post) and I couldn't narrow the list down to 5... sheesh. Bachelor #2, being the excellently awesome dude that he is, offered to help me. Even though this radio program is designed to get me more dates...

He actually did very well I think... the questions that we have picked out will reveal, quite accurately, the kind of person I am. Now if I could just come up with some witty one minute answers to the questions then everything will be allright...

So Hat's off to Bachelor #2 for putting up with me on our date and for being so kind in understanding why I'm still looking for my Prince in the sea of frogs...

*names have been changed to protect the innocent, the a**holes and the clueless.


Jennifer The Messenger said...

Why not call Bachelor #2, The Frog Prince?
I know....
you should name the bachelors after horror movie characters... like Hellraiser, Jason, Micheal, Freddy... haha! ok, bad idea, I admit!

Anyway, not a fan of the "Frog" connotation... since its a derogatory word for the French. And you know how I feel about the French - I love them!

- Jennifer Scarllett

Poetry Sue said...

hmmm I'm not sure if I like Frog Prince for him...

G-Man said...

What were the questions?

Poetry Sue said...

1. Tell me about your kids
2. What was your most embarassing momnet?
3. Can you tell me a joke?
4. My heart would melt if ______.
5. What is most important for a successfull relationship?