SO this is how life goes for me...
Lately everything has been going fairly well.. there have been some serious fails when it comes to my dating/love life, but everything else has been going good... I have been getting back on my feet financially, my walking every day has been paying off. I've been doing borderline fantastic! Then comes the axe...
as so often happens with me... just as everything is starting to look up something happens to remind me that I'm just bug on the sidewalk of life...
My hours have been cut again... The original cut was from 40 to 35 hours... now I'm down to 20 hours... there are some very good reasons why, and it is only going to be temporary (6 months tops). but it does have a rather devastating effect on my finances...
Number one being that even if I only pay for part time day care... working only 20 hours a week I won't make enough to cover the cost of day care.
Being the resourceful person I am... I have already got it figured out... I'll work my 4 hours a day in the afternoons... Which means I'll be taking my son to and picking him up from school everyday, then after he gets out of school I'll take him to my mom's where either she or her BF will watch him...
Now knowing my mom's track record.. this will work for about 3 days before she forgets her promise to me and decides to run off for a week... I really hope my boss won't mind if I have to bring the kid in sometimes... sigh...
Before the hour cut according to the state of Nevada, before taxes are taken out of my check I make enough money to be ranked at "Below Poverty"... I don't think they can even classify me anymore... and you wanna know the crazy thing... I barely qualify for assistance... and you wanna know the crazier thing I'm on waiting lists for everything... but I just found out that an illegal family got all the assistance I applied for... AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT ON A FUCKING LIST!!!!!
So now I am paying for them to use a service that I need and can't use myself... how fucked up is that...
I am a proud American, but sometimes I hate my country...
*names have been changed to protect the innocent, the a**holes and the clueless.
I feel ya on this one, Sue! My daughter had a severe sore throat this morning... I called Primacare, knowing they have a payment assistant plan w/the county ... My unemployment is too much to qualify! Couldn't you apply for unemployment w/your hour being reduced? Don't worry.
I know it all sucks! Been there!
Sue...That is so fucked up!!!
Start looking for a better job.
Ugg on the not qualifying for assitance that sucks!
Glad you are being resourceful for daycare! :)
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